Each member of the DeTALES project consortium invited three trainers from their home countries for an intense five days workshop on Digital Storytelling. The workshop was hosted by Degder – Denizli Eğitim Gönüllüleri Derneği (Association of Denizli Education Volunteers), and took place in Denizli, Turkey.
The workshop started on 16th September with the current debate on EU-enlargement as a topic for digital storytelling. In parallel workshops the trainees have learned how to use the software for digital storytelling (video, sound and image editing) and they have participated in a story circle to develop their personal stories on European culture, migration and mobility. The following days have been dedicated to the actual production process of digital stories. On September 20th, the final day of the workshop, the screeing of the produced digital stories took place.
After an intensive working and learning session altogether 26 digital storytelling have been produced, titled for example:
- “Enlarge Europe – enlarge our hearts”
- “A typical English city”
- “Identity”
- “My mother is retiring”
- and more.
The DeTALES team plans to produce more of these digital stories once the trainer are back in their countries. They will be accessible through this DeTALES homepage.
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