DeTales – Digital Education Through Adult Learners EU-Enlargement Stories
Familiarizing with other cultures supports the process of European integration and should include all target groups, especially low-skilled adults, seniors and mature employees, who are the less likely to be involved in adult education activities. The Grundtvig multilateral project DeTALES derives its rationale from this statement and investigates the impact of EU enlargement focusing on the recently added member states in particular on how they have integrated into the EU and the old ones and investigates the expectations of the negotiating members through the following topics:
- opening of frontiers/mobility,
- European labour market,
- European cultural identities and diversities of new and old members.
DeTALES brings together adult learners from the oldest members Italy, Germany and UK to interact with the new ones Lithuania, Hungary (2004), Bulgaria (2007) and Turkey by involving actively adults, through sharing and bringing stories using low cost digital devices.
DeTALES objectives are:
- to create training materials to support the rapprochement of adults of the other EU countries by transferring knowledge on EU-enlargement topics
- to improve digital competences
- to raise civic competences
- to encourage intercultural dialogue among EU members
- to encourage adults to use the training materials on their own
- to encourage participation of disadvantage people in lifelong learning (LLL).
Publication of a Digital Storytelling (DS) guide training manual on “How to use the tools: guide for authors and trainers” on how to use the DS on European topics in all the language of the partnership.
Three trainers from each partners‘ country are going to be trained through a workshop in Turkey, then the 3 trainers are called to manage three focus groups as tutors to transfer competences to 20 adults in each country
Final Products
- Digital storytelling Guide book “ How to use the tool”-guide for adults and trainers
- European Ds platform
- The EU-travel guide
Future plans
To disseminate a non formal approach (digital storytelling) from informal to formal learning and to other countries
Project website www.detales.net
- Patrizia Braga p.braga@sturzo.it;
- Antonia Silvaggi a.silvaggi@sturzo.it